Saturday 2 March 2019

Me and my future wife

When it comes to marriage in general and a wife in particular, my knowledge is based on observation alone with no personal experience so far, I am like the kid in the toy store who wants every toy he gets his hands on (Not in a Charlie Harper kind of a way). 
Let me establish one thing here that the above statement is not with regard to some number but I am specifically talking with reference to qualities. Thus whatever I have observed and deemed it to be a good quality, I added that trait to the resume that my future wife to be has to fit in. The qualities my better half should have, have piled on over the years. So, if I ever have to publish a matrimonial advertisement, it will read like this:
A 30 year old not so white, curvy around the edges boy (still calling himself that) wants the hand of a girl in marriage along with her rest of the body and a bangla in People’s colony (a quality that made its way to the list when I was at the Punjab College). The girl should be a super chef, who is a PhD in Physics, has won an Oscar and a Nobel Prize and has at least won a silver medal at the Olympics, says her prayers five times a day, observes purdah and can keep my mother happy. Can sing and write poetry. Should have authored at least 3 books and is an administrator of two face book pages and five whatsapp groups. Working women can also “apply” but only if they are a CEO at a Fortune 500 company. The age of the girl should not be more than 20 years. Beauty pageant winners will be given priority.
But then I read somewhere that a woman is the reflection of his man. It changed the equation for me. Even if I get a girl with all the above mentioned qualities she will still be my wife and if I am a bad guy she will be the wife of a bad guy nothing more nothing less. So, since then I am trying to be worthy of my future wife. I am working hard on my short comings (which I will not mention here as they might harm my any possible chances). So, as Gandhi Saa’hib once said that be the change you want to see in the world, in pure matrimonial terms, I say that be the spouse you want to marry. 

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