Friday 27 October 2017

Accomplice not victim!!

Hollywood especially and movie business in general is all about making and selling dreams. The common man looks at the world of movies with a mix of awe and amazement. It is their escape from the daily grind of reality. It is not that the non-filmi men and women are interested in movies alone; the personal lives of the people that are part of the movie business too attract a lot of attention from their fans. However, the reality is that the movie people are as much good or bad as your next person.
Harvey Weinstein is a or was a famous Hollywood producer, who has produced films like Pulp Fiction, The Lord of the Rings, The Artist and Silver Lining Playbook. As reported by the New York Times and The New Yorker, he over the years have sexually harassed, assaulted and raped dozen of women. The list includes many A-list actresses such as Heather Graham, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow. Although on his behalf his spokesman has denied the rape charges but has not denied the rest of the allegations. Mr. Weinstein has been relieved from his duties at his production company and is currently on a sabbatical and is pursuing therapy and counseling to “deal with this issue head on”.
Sexual Harassment, in short is bullying and coercion of a sexual nature or the unwelcome promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. The term was first used in the 1970’s but sexual harassment existed even before that and in every culture in one form or the other. But the recent Harvey Weinstein controversy has really lit up this issue like never before; an issue that all prefer to hush-up and keep mum about. 
I have no sympathies for the man, frankly I do not. It is not because I am not allowed to but because he is really a sick man and his actions demands that he should be kept away until he is not fit to be part of the human society. But someone has to look on the other side of the coin too. Was he alone in this? This is a big question. All those women who are today coming out, breaking their silence and are saying that they were subject to sexual harassment at the hands of Harvey include actresses, temps and production assistants from Harvey’s production company. Few of them even made out of court of settlements. I seriously believe that they are responsible for the next girl that had to go through that disgusting experience because it was their silence or whatever reason they have made up to soothe their conscious that encouraged Harvey to continue with his antics and prey on other women.
I also feel that in this scenario Harvey is a victim too because all these starlets that were in their struggling phase benefitted from his vulnerability and used his weakness to boost their own careers. They could have taken the high road and have said “no” and should have made noise, loud enough so that others could have got warned. Today, it is easier to chant “Me too” or point fingers towards the fallen film producer. It really had meant something if they had done it when it was their moment to seize the moment. It surely must have cost them something but they preferred their own tiny goals over greater good of all.
I know ours is not an easy world for women and you do not have to be a feminist to feel for the women. The reality of our times is that we are selling mere symbols in the name of women empowerment. Frankly, we ourselves believe that by shunning dopatta or barring a female midriff means empowerment or her dancing with men means freedom. All this has nothing to do with women empowerment; all this is just further exploitation of women. This does not make women safe at the work place. However, it can also not be achieved through education and by changing the social perception of women alone; because there will always be powerful, there to exploit. So, the only solution to this problem is speaking up and speaking up at the right moment, ready to face whatever the resultant challenges will be.
If you have faced sexual harassment you are a victim but if you do not do something about it timely, then you are an accomplice.

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