Monday 24 July 2017

Some words after the Lahore blast!!

What I am going to write here may deem to be insensitive to many or racist to some.So, the above lines are a warning to all of them to leave this post right here, right now.
A bomb blast has struck Lahore and the death toll has reached 22 already. But how much I think of this incident as brutal and barbaric, deep down, I have a feeling that is a mixture of content and satisfaction. To feel like this after such gruesome event is inhuman to say the least. I do not want to hide this feeling with a cosmetic condemnation. However, there is a reason behind this callousness.
Every time a blast hit a city, anywhere in Pakistan other than Punjab; unfortunately it happens more often. From certain sections, Punjab bashing starts. They say senseless stuff, which I do not want to copy here. May be it is not them but their emotions and grief talking but it hurts. So, every time any blast takes place somewhere in Punjab, I feel that we are no longer different, I feel that we are equally insecure and I feel that for them (the terrorists) we are no different. They hate us irrespective of our ethnic identity; there is no bias there.
However, the fact remains is, blood anywhere, of anyone innocent, shed is a crime against humanity. No reason can justify an act of terror.
So, if those morons do not see any difference, then why should we. Life of a Balochi, Sindhi, Pakhtoon or any other ethnic group is of equal importance and value. Discriminating it is like strengthening and abetting the extremist elements. These are hard times and only the realization of each other's pain and loss can give us the strength to bear all this and defeat our common enemy. May Allah protect and guide us all. Aa'meen

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