Thursday 27 July 2017


Madhoo, do you know why there is a lot of thunder when it rains in the night because the clouds protest on raining at night, they say in the nights the girls are asleep dreaming but in the day when they are awake, we soak them and make them to sing songs for their loved one, drenched, they embrace each droplet of rain in a way, of which a thirsty grain of dessert can never think of. 
Madhoo, you know these prairies or water bodies never get satisfy or fill, their thirst is infinite but these beautiful maidens gives us some purpose or a sense of accomplishment or a feel of finally achieving something.
Madhoo, you know these drops of rains are like the very cells that make up your being, so when it rains we give away our existence and soak them and make them to endure a pain that is not excruciating enough to kill them but to make them hard enough to wait. It is this purpose that makes us to collect our fallen cells again and rain once again to make them to sing and dance and miss them who they cannot meet for now.

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