Wednesday 19 December 2018

An ode to insanity

They say life is a circle but in actuality it is more of a linear progression with some usual stopovers. We all live a life that is decided and moulded and is imposed on us like some punishment.  The day we are born to the day we are going to die; we lead our lives according to a set pattern. Little deviance fetch us criticism and tags and titles like abnormal or insane.
What is insanity? It can be defined as the state of being foolish and irrational or being seriously mentally ill. You are sick to be different.
I am not trying to justify unnatural behaviors which are against the natural norms. What I am trying to plead here is that being a bit different is not that bad after all. All the diversification we see today is because of that little bit of non-conformity. This trait makes us humans otherwise we are just robots who defecate.
I do get that that total deviance is not right but deviance, abnormality and insanity in right proportions is good. 
I believe that insanity is not that all bad. If you find this statement wrong then ask Mr. Zardari. What sane have done to this world, one wonders what insanity would have done to it? I mean the sane have made all those utensils that can be very catastrophic in the times of insanity. The sane gave us a bomb; they did not stop there and added more bombs to the arsenal with very cool prefixes like atom, hydrogen and napalm etc.
The world we live in today wanted us all to be sane but I question that what is wrong in a bit of insanity? I envy the insane sometimes as loneliness is for us-the sane while being insane you can weave a world of your own, can have likeminded friends and can debate with them on matters of your liking. Above all those friends always have time for you.
Sanity has bought hate. They say no one in his/her right mind can hate, demean or loath another human being but the irony here is that all who have ever hated, killed in its name were in their right minds and have found many supporters who supported and abated them in their heinous crimes. This example suggest that sanity in actuality is just a choice and we make that choice daily in our lives by doing what is expected of us.
This means sanity can be a zero sum game; opting for one sane thing is done at the expense of leaving out another sane thing. This also means that there is a greater sanity also and you can prioritize sanity according to a situation. So, all those who supported Hitler were not driven ideologically towards him but it was something that was sane thing to do at that time with him being at the epitome of power in Germany. However, still there were some “insane” enough to resist his draconian rule even at the price of their lives. Dilemma here is that who is sane here those who conformed or those who resisted?        
The world of today owes all of its growth and development to that person who in his moment of insanity dared to question “why” and that why has snowballed into today’s how. We owe so much to not to act normal. Deviance is not always bad. You should let go yourself sometimes. Do not burden yourself to become someone that you are not.
In a world that is full of depressed and anxiety ridden souls, knowing that you laugh a bit loud or shedding a tear in open without being judged can be a bit of relief. Allow the people to be a bit of abnormal. That mould is not for everyone. The freedom to say why and not yes is a blessing. In a world of today, where there are only right answers, the pleasure of being wrong is cannot be accounted for. So, cheers to all the insane of the world that dared and kept the ball rolling.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

بے نام

اس کو اپنے نصیب میں کیسے کرتے
دعوی محبت تھا ہمیں
دعوی خدائی تو نہ تھا
ہر اس دکھ سے اجتناب ہے ہم کو
جس کا ہم سے وعدہ نہ تھا
یہ قلعی ہم پر بعد میں کھلی
ہمارا اس پر اختیار ہی نہ تھا
مخلص سب ہیں سب سے
وفا شرط ہے
پر وفا کرنا لازم نہ تھا
ہم نے ان سے سیکھے ہیں آداب عشق
جن کا پہلا درس تھا
کہ معاملہ عشق میں
کوئی اصول بھی لازم نہ تھا