Thursday 1 March 2018


Have you ever tried to write a story?
No, I am not good with words.
Have you ever seen a story that has no beginning or has no end?
No, what kind of story that is who has no start and no end?
I am the one who is asking the questions here
I know but answering everything is kind of difficult or frankly, it is next to impossible.
Every question has an answer
True but the answers differ. If you ask me, the answer depends on the questioner
I guess you are wrong. I mean………1 + 1 is always 2
Life is not 1+1, it is not
Then what really it is?
I do not know but I only know that it is not sure, it is not 100%  like that red wire blue wire situation, if you cut the wrong wire everything will go kaboom.
Hahahahaha, have you experienced the kaboom?
Every time…..every time.
Then you are bad judge of people
That, I am or may be it is the people who are wrong about me?
May be a mix of both, your 1+1
But this 1+1 adds to zero
Why you hate yourself so much? Have you ever given others a chance to know you better? Have you ever given yourself a chance?
Every day is a chance. Every day is an opportunity. Every day they fail and every time I rise again. This is pretty much hectic you know. I am tired of it, now.
But is it really their job to know you or love you? I mean what about you?
What about me, I am the one who is giving the opportunity. I am the one who is opening the door.
You are the one who is blocking the way; not letting anyone in.
Am I?
Yes, you. You are afraid of being happy. You love sorrow. You do not know a life without it. It is your badge of honor.
Now as you have mentioned it, the reality is that happiness is a funny word. It is the biggest lie. We use it to lure people into keep on suffering.
For example?
 For example, we allow our girls to think that they can be anything and we let them believe this until we marry them away and then they become someone else’s problem. We give their dreams a slow death; it is both gradual and painful. The beauty of all this is that none of us know what we are doing, it is so deep rooted in our society that both the hunter and the prey, do not know what the hell has just happened. It is not like that only women are subject to this fraud, there are many men who have the soul of an astronaut but they are riding bicycles. All these terms are just coined to exploit us. Marx was right. We all pursue happiness; the happily ever after. There is nothing like this in the real world. No mice make your dress. They do not even care. They nibble their life away. All this is big propaganda and whosoever calls the bluff, you all gang up on him. You call him names. You call him pessimist. He is just a dog who was able to see the rainbow but no other dog believes him because all the rest of the dogs are color blind.
Man you are unhappy.
May be or may be it is you who is unhappy and sugarcoat it with a fake smile but all the other times you are finding that happiness thing that never exists in the first place.
The thing is my smile is someone else’s happiness. The center of happiness is you not someone else. It gives me happiness that my smile is someone else’s happiness. There is joy in everything. You are your own happiness and you are your own sorrow. The thing is there is no such thing as selfless virtue. There is no such thing called charity. They all are different faces of happiness. Happiness is not Mount Everest, it can be those pebbles you throw in water just to see the ripples. It can be Katrina, if it is your idea of happiness. You are only right about not stereotyping what happiness should be otherwise happiness is a real thing even you and I talking is happiness.     

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