Thursday 17 November 2016

Ignorance is bliss

The last king of the Mughal Empire died in exile, in obscurity. He who was once the king of an empire, famously remembered as the “golden bird” by the British, ended up in the garage of an English captain, when exiled to Yangon. I guess, it is kind of a bliss that we humans do not know that what is in store for us in the future. Had Bahadur Shah Zafar, knew about his fate earlier, he would have not even ascended the throne. Although many of us desire to know our future but if we really know what is going to happen, this world might come to a halt. Nobody will come out of their home, if they know that they are going to fail today. Nobody will travel by the train or a bus or an airplane that is meant to crash. Nobody will even taste those “naan cho’laas” that are to give dysentery. The little charms of life will be lost, most importantly the flavor of failure will be lost. What is life without failure in it as it are the failures that make us to appreciate success. Nobody will try. However those who are meant to succeed will still succeed without any competition, resultantly taking the charm of the success away as what is success without competition. Mind you the real life is in these little things that we collectively called “uncertainties”. Enjoy the life as it comes to you. Be thankful for what you have and do not worry for what you do not have. We know nothing, if some that is still very little. So, we should make our peace with it as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss.       

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