Saturday 30 April 2016

We are the Birds

Lately some of my class fellows from GCU, Lahore tagged me in posts; where they recollected the great memories we made during our stay at GCU, Lahore. All this nostalgia triggered me to write something about those golden days. I hope you all will like it.
P.S. This poem is dedicated to all those who love and respect me even today and also to those who I no longer love and respect. Thank you for teaching me some valuable lessons.
We are the Birds
By Muhammad Aizzan Malik
We are the birds
The birds that flew together once
Irrespective of the variances
Our journey was our ground where we sow the seed of friendship
Today the tree of our friendship stands firm
Gives us shade against the pains and miseries we face
We flew not because we had to but because we wanted to
We lived moments
We built companionship for life
We made memories that will outlive us
Today wherever we are
Whatever we do
Whatever we become for the world
We will remain the same birds that flew together once

Tuesday 26 April 2016


9/11 other than misery and bloodshed gave birth to a miracle; from the ashes of brutality and human misery, unity of world nations emerged. For once there was no eastern and western bloc and no allied or axis powers. The countries of the world were united to fight a war that was led by the new world (USA) and the war was called “the war on terror”. Even the UN’s Security Council passed a resolution supporting this international crusade against terrorism.  Pakistan got the privilege to become the frontline state in this war against terrorism. But when this war reached Pakistan it suddenly became an orphan although the civil-military leadership of that time the ones that succeeded them told the people of Pakistan that this was is their own war. Nonetheless after losing more than 50, 000 civilians and military personals to this war still the general perception of this war is that it is a foreign war more precisely an American war. There is also a section of people who are of this opinion that this war is an American-Israeli conspiracy against the Muslims. Now it is high time to change our perception and perspective towards this war and start to take ownership of this war. This war is very important for the survival of Pakistan and our armed forces cannot win this war with their entire valor and might if the people of Pakistan will not support them and the war. Until than no decisive victory cannot be claimed against those miscreants.