Monday 23 May 2022

Imran Khan 4.0

 The Khan of now founds himself in a chartered territory, the opposition is what he has been doing for the most part of his political career but this Imran is not the Imran who started his political career in the turbulent 90s. Since the ’90s, Pakistan and Khan have changed for good and bad.

The Imran Khan 1.0 was an idealist, idealist for a political system whose development has been pendulum-like- one step forward, one step back sometimes even two. He talked of building a polity based on the ideals like justice, rule of law, equity, and egalitarianism. However, his electoral fortunes stayed dismal- no seat in 1997 and securing only one seat in 2002. He was deemed to be Asghar Khan 2.0 but then Imran Khan 2.0 took over.

The Imran Khan 2.0 was flexible, practical, and street smart. He knew the rules better, like any realist he decided to play the game instead of changing the game. He had embraced the one true reality of our politics. He started gaining momentum however, the Khan 1.0 keep on coming back. We saw him supporting Musharraf, then retracting, and boycotting the 2008 elections. The internal fight or friction between Imran Khan 1.0 and 2.0 ensued. The many U-turns are just an outcome of the fight between the heart and the brain. Is, he confused? No, he knows what he wants but how is the real question. This question had two answers, Yes and No. The yes won him the 2013 elections in KPK and then eventually made him the Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2018. However, Khan 2.0 was now standing in an unchartered territory where he had to appease the allies and the electables, had to do conventional politics, defend Aleem and Tareen, and release the Khan 1.0 to the world, which was still not ready for it. He prioritized and we saw the emergence of an Imran Khan 3.0.

The Imran Khan 3.0 is a synthesis of the Khan 1.0 and 2.0. Thus, we saw, Khan 1.0 coming up with the Ehsaas program, Sehat card, Panagahs, Kartarpur corridor, going after the corrupt in and outside of his party, establishing civilian supremacy, supporting the Afghan-led peace process, pursuing an independent foreign policy, building an exports-based economy, increase tax collection, devalue rupee. The last few of these initiatives cost him political capital as well. The Khan 2.0 used independents to form government in Punjab, made an alliance with the Chaudaries, allowed Nawaz Sharif to go to London thus putting the accountability narrative on the backburner, and above all backtracked from the reforms program. Khan 3.0 has been ousted, and the rules which Khan 2.0 adhered to have been used against him. His years in office and an abrupt exit must have shaped up and fostered a new Khan that could be Imran Khan 4.0.

The Khan 4.0 could be the answer Pakistan is looking for. He could be the perfect mix. His unceremonious exit has helped him to win back his disgruntled support base. The crowds he drew to his jalsas are heartening for him and his party. He has shown restraint and hasn’t started any malicious campaign against the state institution which the other political parties did at the time of their ouster from power.

In apolitical times, these credentials are enough to strengthen one’s political career. However, Khan 4.0 should be aware of the challenges ahead of him. His biggest test is going to be time. We are yet to see whether he would be able to sustain the level of the vigor of his support base and then convert this support base into electoral success. There is a need to get clarity on his policies as well. Sloganeering is a distraction and we have seen how it eventually attracted a lot of flaking on his government. He should be frank and direct to his support base including them and let them know what challenges await them and the country. His years in the Prime Minister's office were not perfect, any criticism should be welcomed, and even if that criticism is not true and constructive, and should be responded to meticulously. The critics should be respected and the follies that have been made should be owned. There is a general sense of paranoia among his supporters, which is not good. It should end. His party cadres should become more democratic and the party tickets should be awarded on merit. Today PTI revolves around Imran Khan only which does not make it any different from any other major political party. There is a need to evolve and develop the substitute young leadership which could lead the party in the future.

The Imran Khan 4.0 will only be possible if Imran Khan has learned something from the past three and a half years and has evolved as a leader and a politician. If the answer is an abject no, then we will only be watching a repeat telecast of Khan 3.0, who might never get the chance to evolve and be the 4.0 version of himself.