Wednesday 31 January 2018

The need for social genetic engineering

While growing up like any child I also had a very active imagination so, I use to think that there is an invisible world, full of people just like us live around us; they are there when we are strolling in the streets, they are sitting next to us in a diner engulfed in discussions. They are the world we can’t see and touch but just imagine. But then I grew up and that world seized to exist.
Recently, after the Me Too campaign and celebrities sharing their ordeal of child abuse after the Zainab incident makes me to wonder that that world was not that imaginary after all. In actuality that world exists, breathes on our necks. However it is not invisible they are real people on the contrary it is the pain, the agony, and the wounds of the victims and the face of the abuser that is invisible. You do not know, you do not tell that are you sitting next to a victim or an abuser both of them can be anybody. You can only be sure about yourself but sometimes even you can’t be sure about yourself.
Fasih Ahmed, Newsweek Pakistan editor is receiving a lot of flogging for his insensitive tweets on the sensitive matter of child abuse. Although all the things he said are not wrong. The reality is we can never bring an abuse of any kind to zero. Every normal society has an abnormal lot. But this scary and ugly reality should not deter us instead it should make us wary of our surroundings. We should look above our shoulders and protect not only our own but also all the other potential victims be it someone on the street or in our house or the house next to us. This fight is a collective one. It demands of us to put up a joint vigilance and guard. State can only provide laws and machinery that ensures apprehension and punishments but we- the society can do more and that is stopping such incident from taking place. We are powerful enough to fight this because we have the numbers and the eyes and ears that are required to fight this war on ground.
We repeatedly claim and take pride in the fact that our society is far more united and closely knitted as compare to the western societies and how our value system is our anchor that boor our ship. Though the claim is not that false but the thing about child abuse is that most of the times the abuser is an acquaintance with his/her prey. Our society is too conservative to accept this while the western societies are too individualistic to beat this chain of abuse. However our social institutions are better equipped to fight this war but it requires some tweaking. It is also our social values in which all these abusers take refuge and garner their power from. All these crimes are bared, accepted and swept under the carpet in the name of honor. However it should not be the victim who should be ashamed but the abuser. The need of the hour is to withdraw that support and shelter and for that our society requires some “social genetic engineering”. I have used the term social genetic engineering here because after any such incident we look at changing all of our social value system; the funny thing is that we do the same with our democracy and political system. You get rid of the effected part not the whole body.
It has been observed that the sex abusers have multiple victims. If we apprehend an abuser right up, we can surely protect many potential victims. For this we do not need a whole sex education class but lectures delivered to young kids about good or bad touch and stranger danger that too not only in schools but in houses too. Special desks should be established in the schools where students can share or report.
The other thing is that very little heed is given to the rehabilitation of the victim. He/She has to live with the scar for life but still we can ease off the pain. Psychological counseling and therapy can be very helpful in this regard and can be very helpful in assisting the victim to return to a normal life and once again become a healthy and contributing member of the society and the state.

However for all this to happen we must have to accept that abuse whether it is child or domestic or is of any kind is a problem and it exists in our society. It requires our attention and it should be dealt accordingly. Without this realization we will never be able to break this chain of abuse.